Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Be aware of Heart Diseases


                  Heart Diseases or Mental stress?

Mental Stress
Figure:Mental abnormality

  Reason for heart disease:
 Fat is a major cause of heart disease, the cholesterol and triglycerides accumulated arteries continued standing as deposits. And this thing ourselves by modern life style is more than possible is physical activities. So, we eat bread made ​​with oil or butter or other fats, which our body can fully input and additional fat, doctrines of food assistance, as well as the stress of modern life, smoking practice and undertake more due to be submitted to the body and began arteries heart, causing heart disease, the exact origin of the minor changes in the life style of ours heart disease when it’s not growing, can reduce the risk of this disease with her. Talking at that, now, fat and cholesterol, which disrupts the flow of blood to the heart which arteries, may be removed. Aimed at moving forward the new approach to the treatment of the holistic is main disconnected installs. Treatment at the patient's physician, the doctor and the patient to be cured just cause, the right rules are in the search path. Like the right way to control the mind of his meditation. Mental stress of human disease and because of the turmoil. So, one have to reduce stress.

Who will be helpful:

ð Which has one or more of a heart attack.
ð Who were considered unfit for surgery angioplasty or, if it reduced pumping capacity of the heart.
ð Than age.
ð Multiple blockages.
ð Micro vascular blockage.
ð When decreased functional capacity of the kidney.
ð If Hepatitis-B positive.                                                  

ð Who get scared.
ð Who suffers at high blood pressure.
ð  Cholesterol levels in the blood which unusual.
ð Who suffers at diabetes, elevated blood sugar levels.                                                                                    ð Angioplasty, who already have or redo bypass the blockage is surgery.


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